Great (Sarcasm Intentional) Listing Photo’s Round 127 – The Dunkirk Listing

OK, so it’s only $38,500 but does that make these photo’s OK? Before you answer consider the following (which is mentioned in the property description):

“Owner is a licensed realtor.”

Words fail us…

So here we go!

1. A nice photo of the house, I guess the person on the drive is visiting?

2. Ah! This must be one of those 3D photos!

3. Another photo of the kitchen. Obviously the counter tops are great for storage including the washing up.

4. And the living room. The neighbors must love those speakers!

5. The bathroom. Clearly a man lives here judging by the toilet seat (note the ‘up’ position) and an empty toilet roll holder.

6. Cool! Another 3D photo!

7. The yard with an entrance to a nuclear shelter (or is it a shrine of some sort?)

8. And finally! Saving the best for last…..a cute dog! Oh yeah, and some half naked fat guy on the couch.


The Single Best AgencyLogic Cyber Monday Offer Ever!

Traditionally Cyber Monday is when we make the best AgencyLogic discounts available. This year we are going a whole lot further. Why only make the discounts available on one day, why not five!

That’s right – the following offers will be available from Thanksgiving through the end of business on Monday.

Offer # 1:

Buy 10 Single Property Websites at published prices and get 5 free! A $350 saving!

Offer # 2:

Buy 25 Single Property Websites at published prices and get 10 free! A $875 saving!

But it gets better!

Offer # 2 comes with a choice of either a free basic Facebook business page or $50 off of a custom Facebook business page!

Why such crazy offers? It’s our way of saying “Thank You!”

Get a headstart on 2015 and get busy saving!

Additional licences will be added to accounts on December 2nd.