QR Codes – The Stupidity Continues…

Stephen M. Fells

Stephen M. Fells

I wasn’t exactly embraced by certain segments of the real estate industry when I dared to criticize QR codes at the height of their popularity (see: ‘The Quite Ridiculous Use of QR Codes‘) and I subsequently made things worse when I held that position (see: ‘Stop it Realtors. QR Codes, Social Media and Ethics‘).

Neither post was written with the intention of pissing anyone off but sometimes you have to make a point that is contrary to popular opinion. My hope was that people would at least stop and think about the issues.

Another post that generated conversation was about people blogging, texting and generally doing anything other than focus on driving, while driving (‘Realtors Blogging From Cars – (Hopefully) The Final Episode‘) which leads to this post.

Welcome to ‘WTF QR Codes‘, a Website I think I will be referring to again in the future. Here is one of my favorite images which combines two of my pet peeves. Please comment below, especially if you think QR codes will save humanity and you really can multitask without killing other road users. Before you do though, take a minute and think again.

As I see this photo I can’t help but wonder, what is the driver thinking?

“Getting closer, getting closer, where’s that phone? Ah, here it is! Getting closer, getting closer, now let me open that app….holding steady, getting closer…..”

6 thoughts on “QR Codes – The Stupidity Continues…

  1. I am not a believer in QR codes for the real estate industry. Maybe it is a “generational thing.” I am 63 years old. Perhaps QR codes are the best kept secret ingriedient for success in real estate sales, but I do not believe that the concept, or its application in the real estate industry, lives up to the hype.

    On another note, I was at the San Diego Home and arden Show in Delmar on Saturday and there were QR codes on the plant labels of the plants being displayed. “Cool” I thought. But then, I don’t have a reader on either of my cel phones.

    Saul Klein

  2. We can’t hold the phone to talk while driving, we can’t text and drive……but we can scan QR codes?? I’m with you Stephen!! The thought for great marketing was there except it wasn’t thought through all the way. This will put too many drivers at risk. QR codes can be very useful especially in Real Estate but this is going too far.

  3. I think QR codes are a passing fad. I saw that blog you mentioned ‘WTF QR Codes’ the other day and then tour blog post today and I am just glad I am not alone in hating QR codes.

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