The Future of Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is fast evolving and many people just aren’t using it correctly. In this video, you’ll learn some of the biggest mistakes you’re making in social media marketing and how to fix them with the help of author Gary Vaynerchuk.

Gary’s new book, Jab Jab Jab Right Hook, is a blueprint for excelling at your social media marketing. He suggest “jabbing” your customers constantly. In other words, give them value all the time. The right hook is when you ask people to buy from you — but you should be jabbing more often than asking.

Gary explains how most people don’t put enough effort into their jabs. Many people strategize their right hooks (or what they ask of their customers), but not many people think enough about the jabs. To excel at social media marketing, you have to put much of your effort into the jabs. Think about how you can provide incredible value and deliver it before ever asking for anything.

Most people also ignore the context of each social media platform. Content may be king, but context is even more important. Gary recommends learning exactly what type of content is “native” to each site. He explains that beautiful images and infographics do well on Pinterest, quote cards do well on Facebook, animated GIFS do well on Tumblr, and humor does well on Twitter.

To elevate your social media marketing, think about how your content will perform on each platform you’ll put it on, and make sure you’re always sharing valuable, native content.

Great social media marketing also involves listening to your audience — even the haters. People just want to be heard. They also want to see that there’s some effort being invested towards them from your end. Care about your people with your social media marketing and they’ll care about you.

The Thank You Economy: How Business Must Adapt to Social Media

On November 5 2010, L2 and NYU Stern hosted its second-annual ‘Innovation Forum’ at The Morgan Library in New York City. The full-day event addressed innovation in digital marketing and implications for prestige brands.

In the following keynote “king of social media” Gary Vaynerchuk discusses how company’s need to adapt in light of social media. One of the first Facebook users to max out his friend limit, with over 17,000 pending friend requests, he is in the top 100 people followed on Twitter. Vaynerchuk gained fame as the host of Wine Library TV, a daily internet webcast on the subject of wine.

Note: The video contains adult language