Google Tips: Avoid Scams!

In the following Google video we learn about how to identify scams online. If someone offers you some new shoes, a free iPad or an all expense paid trip to Hawaii, you should be suspicious. These offers might seem harmless, but these could be dangerous ways to get your personal information.

How To Know If An Email Is Real

Phishing (pronounced ‘fishing’) continues to be a problem and you need to protect yourself from it.

Wikipedia describes phishing as:

“the criminally fraudulent process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.”

Basically it’s a fraudulent email from a thief and their objective is to rip you off. I’ve written about this before (see: “The Latest Facebook Email Spam Scam” and “How To Identify A Phishing Email”) but with the problem persisting here is more advice direct from Google: