Not Without My Smartphone

Ten years ago, prior to the release of the first iPhone in June 2007, the world was a different place. There were no apps, no smartphone cameras, we weren’t always online and our attention spans were probably longer than three seconds.

In less than a decade, smartphones have changed our lives in so many ways that it’s hard to imagine how we used to live without them. In fact, many people can’t imagine going a single day without their beloved phone. This is especially true for teenagers according to a recent survey by YouGov. As our chart illustrates, more than half of U.S. teens (age 13 to 17) state that they couldn’t live without using a smartphone for more than a day.

While a smartphone is mandatory these days, other devices are optional for today’s youths. More than a third of those polled by YouGov think they could go more than a week without using a laptop or a tablet.

This chart shows how long U.S. teens think they can go without communication devices.

You will find more statistics at Statista

Smartphones Aren’t as Ubiquitous as You Think

At a time where you can send a photo of your dinner to your grandma and seconds later receive an approving ‘thumbs up’, it is easy to imagine that absolutely everyone has a smartphone. As our infographic shows though, using data from Pew Research Center, this is actually far from the case.

This infographic shows the share of adults in selected countries that report owning a smartphone.

You will find more statistics at Statista