The Google Online Safety Roadshow Tip 1: Think Before You Share

To help create the best version of your online story, remember to think before you share. Anything you post online can be forwarded, copied, and found, and travel farther than you intended it to. What you share, and who you share it with, can end up saying a lot about you. So remember to be thoughtful!

For more information about “Tip 1: Think Before You Share, the Online Safety Roadshow”, and other great tips to help keep you and your family smart and safe online, check out:

Tom Ferry Discusses 5 Ways to Improve Your Listing Presentation

Tom says you might not want to show this video to the other agents in your office. He says you will watch this video 15 times. He says he’ll do a crazy dance when you tell him just how good this video is. So what does he discuss?

In summary it is:

1. Know your customer
2. Prime the client for a ‘yes’ and do your homework
3. Show up mentally prepared
4. Sales is a story
5. Case study vs. promise

It is great to hear Tom making many points we have been making for years especially about story telling (see: A Real Estate Agent’s Online Story – What is Yours?) and how to stand out at a listing presentation (give the seller what they want and that means marketing centered on their home, a single property Website!)

For the details you’ll have to do what Tom suggests and that starts with watching the video. Enjoy!