Does “Location, Location, Location” Count for Toilets?

We have highlighted “The Best Views From The Smallest Room In The House” and it was quite popular so here are more. This time, the location isn’t always ideal…

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The Best Views From The Smallest Room In The House

1. Seat one is located at Boston Bay High Camp, Washington state near Johannesburg Mountain in the North Cascades national park:

2. This ‘oasis of pis’ overlooks a picturesque bend in the Dordogne River on a cliff-top Chateau in France:

3. High in the Andes, a wooden long-drop lives up to its description:

4. Warders at the infamous Alcatraz jail had an all-round view of San Francisco Bay:

5. A wooden loo site atop Boulder Pass Campsite, Montana in Glacier National Park and offers a stunning view of Agassiz Glacier:

6. And finally. If you’re in a rush there’s an ideal option for plane spotters at Changi Airport, Singapore:

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Does “Location, Location, Location” Count for Toilets?

We recently highlighted “The Best Views From The Smallest Room In The House” and it was quite popular so here are more. This time, the location isn’t always ideal…

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