Outsmart the Worst of Winter With Tips From HouseLogic

Washington, D.C. – Jan. 11, 2018 (PRNewswire) The holidays are wonderful, but winter weather can be the absolute worst when you are a homeowner. This month’s “Clever Cures for the Worst of Winter” spotlight from HouseLogic.com, the comprehensive website for homeowners from the National Association of Realtors®, features eight articles containing information, tips and advice on beating even the nastiest of winter blues.

Check out the full spotlight at https://www.houselogic.com/spotlight/winterize-your-home/.

Following is HouseLogic’s advice for tackling the difficulties and making the most of winter months:

11 Easy-Up, Easy-Down Décor Hacks for Stress-Free Holidays. Decorating for the holidays is fun for the whole family. Taking down the decorations? Not so much. HouseLogic has decorating hacks that make cleaning up after the holidays organized and stress-free, such as using egg cartons to pack up Christmas tree ornaments.

5 Tricks to Keep Your Pipes From Exploding this Winter. Ideally homeowners should winterize their pipes in the fall (before the cold sets in), but to err is human and for anyone who has forgotten there is no need to panic. HouseLogic has some easy techniques to keep pipes from bursting, like turning on the faucets to keep water running through the system and slow down the freezing process.

‘Eeeww!’ Stenches to Stop Now Before They Move in for Winter. With the windows closed tight to keep the cold out, household odors seem amplified during the winter months. Check out HouseLogic’s tips for dealing with winter smells, with ideas like running a dehumidifier in the laundry area to prevent mold.

Easy DIY Mudroom Ideas to Organize Winter Gear. Winter weather comes with winter gear, and keeping all of that stuff in order can be a full-time job. Look at HouseLogic’s tricks for keeping entryways organized, with ideas like using an over-the-door shoe organizer for storing hats and gloves.

12 Simple Home Repair Jobs to Lift You Out of Winter’s Funk. When the weather keeps everyone trapped inside, homeowners can use the opportunity to take care of some quick and easy repairs. Try HouseLogic’s suggested projects, like silencing squeaky door hinges with powdered graphite or replacing batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

12 Delightful Ways to Make Your House Brighter in Winter. With the sun setting early and the sky turning greyer, it is easy for a home to feel dark and cave-like during the winter months. HouseLogic has suggestions for making a home feel lighter, bright and cheerier, with tips like taking the screens off windows, which will allow in 30 percent more sunshine.

6 Chilling Facts About Icicles That All Homeowners Should Know. Icicles may look beautiful and whimsical, but they are actually a sign of ice dams, which can be a significant, expensive problem for a home. HouseLogic has a list of what homeowners need to know about icicles and the challenges they can cause, such as forcing roof shingles to pull loose and ripping down gutters.

3 Brilliant Hacks to Make Snow Shoveling Less Miserable. For homeowners who live in snowy climates, shoveling snow is an annoying fact of life come winter. HouseLogic has some simple hacks to make shoveling the morning after a snowfall much more manageable, like spraying the shovel with cooking oil to make the snow slide right off.

For more information on how to make the snowy season as stress free as possible, visit HouseLogic.com.

HouseLogic is a free source of information that helps consumers make smart, confident decisions about all aspects of home ownership. Made possible by Realtors®, the site helps owners get the most value and enjoyment from their existing home and helps buyers and sellers make the best deal possible.

The National Association of Realtors®, “The Voice for Real Estate,” is America’s largest trade association, representing 1.3 million members involved in all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate industries.

Information about NAR is available at www.nar.realtor. This and other news releases are posted in the newsroom under the “About NAR” tab.

For further information contact:
Jane Dollinger, 202/383-1042

Don’t Let Sellers Discount the Winter Months

It’s a commonly held opinion – home owners don’t sell during the holiday/winter months. But is it valid?

If you look at certain data then yes but according to an article published by REALTOR Magazine there is money to be made when winter comes a knocking….

Sorting the number of homes that sold above list price by season shows:

Spring: 18.7%
Winter: 17.5%
Summer: 15.1%
Fall: 14.7%

The article adds:

“You may have fewer people looking to buy, but those who are looking are serious,” says Michelle Leader, a Redfin real estate professional in Oklahoma City. “Buyers that time of year often need to move, so they’re much less likely to make a lowball offer and they’ll often want to close quickly — two things that can make the sale much smoother.”

Also, sellers will often find less competition in the winter, allowing their home to stand out more, Leader says.”

Sourcing from a Redfin blog post they also break things down by city:

For the entire article click here.