Managing Broker Kyle Rank’s View On How To Succeed In Real Estate

Kyle Rank

The following Agent Uprising interview features Berkshire Hathaway Broker, Follr client and AgencyLogic advocate Kyle Rank.

Kyle discusses he thoughts on utilizing technology, where he sees other agents succeed and have troubles and what it takes to make it in the world of real estate today. To find out more about Kyle and to connect with him visit his Follr Profile Website:

Agent Uprising is the brainchild of Chicago real estate agent John Reh. John describes the Website as:

“[a place] to help you take advantage of this new world of real estate by combining:

  • inspirational and educational stories of how other agents have “made it”
  • reviews/discussions of technology and tools that are worthwhile
  • step-by-step instructions on how to adapt to changing consumer preferences and implement new ways to grow your business
  • recommendations for products and services that actually make you more productive without breaking the bank
  • a community of awesome agents who are ready to help each other and take their businesses to the next level.”

The original post can be found here:

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