Social Sharing – The Most Viral Part of Single Property Websites

One huge benefit of AgencyLogic PowerSites is how viral they are. Home sellers love to tell people about “their” single Property Website and better yet, with our social sharing feature anyone looking at the Website can also share the property information.

Using a powerful share button it is possible to distribute single property Website data to over 200 different online services:

Visitors to your single property Website simply click the share button:

And then pick from any of the huge list of online Websites (and the list keeps getting bigger!):

Please contact us if you have questions.

Houses on Stilts

Check out these funny houses that reside above ground:

A Trip To Never Never Land:

A House with Lemonade (the signs says “Buy a glass of lemonade for $68 million and get the house for free!”):

A House with Tax Break (this home in Palestine was built on stilts since Palestinians only pay property taxes based on the amount of square footage on the ground):

A Not So Mobile Home:

Takasugi-an in Japan (Takasugi-an means ‘a teahouse too high’):

Arunachal Pradesh, India (no thank you…)

And finally….there’s the ‘how do I get in?’ house on stilts: