AgencyLogic Support Series – Quick Menu

The AgencyLogic software platform has been designed to make creating a single property Website as easy as possible. One feature that helps is the “Quick Menu.”

Please follow these steps to access the Quick Menu – if you have additional questions give us a call on:

(888) 201-5160

or email:

Step 1:

Log into your account and click the PowerSite you want to work on. You can also click “My PowerSites” to see a list of your single property Websites:

Step 2:

Click “Quick Menu” from the top menu:

Step 3:

From here a pop-up window will appear giving you one-click access to all of the most commonly used AgencyLogic features:

Voice Recognition Software – A Scottish Perspective

An accent is a wonderful thing, sometimes. My own English accent has always been the first thing people comment upon this side of the pond and most are very complimentary.

But there is a dark side to having an accent. When it comes to voice recognition software the world is run by computers and they prefer what I call “Microsoft English”. I’ll never do it publicly but I regularly resort to pronouncing words with an American accent. It’s why the following comedy sketch really made me laugh. I not only understand the comedians frustration, I feel it 🙂

If you enjoyed this post you’ll certainly enjoy these other ‘Just For Fun’ posts!

10 Amazing Elevators AKA “Lifts” ;)

1. The Inclinator – Luxor Hotel, Las Vegas, NV, USA

The elevator travels at a 39 degree angle:

2. The Eiffel Tower – Paris, France

The elevators travel up the legs of the tower:

3. The Louvre – Paris, France:

4. Bailong Elevator – Zhangjiajie, China

At 326 meters (just over 1,000 feet) the elevator has three Guinness world records:

5. Taipei 101 – Taiwan

The world’s fastest elevator (travels at 3,300 feet per minute):

6. Lacerda – Brazil

72 meters tall, used by more than 30,000 people a day:

7. Hammetschwand – Switzerland

Europe’s highest external elevator at 153 meters:

8. The Gateway Arch – St, Louis, Missouri

By periodically rotating every 5 degrees the elevator maintains the correct orientation:

9. Santa Justa – Lisbon, Portugal

Originally steam powered, the elevator connects downtown streets with uphill Carmo Square:

10. And finally, the scariest elevator I’ve ever seen.

The painted floor makes it look like there is no floor! Not so sure I would ever get in 😉