How To Use The Quick Menu To Save Time Creating Your Single Property Website

The AgencyLogic software platform has been designed to make creating a single property Website as easy as possible. One feature that helps is the “Quick Menu.”

Please follow these steps to access the Quick Menu – if you have additional questions give us a call on:

(888) 201-5160

or email:

Step 1:

Log into your account and click the PowerSite you want to work on. You can also click “My PowerSites” to see a list of your single property Websites:

Step 2:

Click “Quick Menu” from the top menu:

Step 3:

From here a pop-up window will appear giving you one-click access to all of the most commonly used AgencyLogic features:

Real Estate Fun: Amazing Dog Houses

From hundreds to thousands of dollars it seems that when it comes to our ‘best friend’ there is no limit to just how much some people will spend on their ‘homes’ – enjoy 🙂

And there are more dog houses here.

For more ‘Real Estate Fun’ posts click here.

Real Estate Podcast: The 2-24 Spring Real Estate Market

How can you find success in the spring real estate market?

In today’s Real Estate Podcast, from the National Association of REALTORS, J. Lennox Scott, CEO of John L. Scott Real Estate, shares how to be buyer-ready and why you should get completely underwritten to make the best offer. He also does the math and explain why buying today instead of waiting for interest rates to drop is most likely the smart choice.

Danielle Hale, chief economist at®, shares why they are forecasting a “favorable” and “promising” spring market, with increased housing inventory. Melissa Dittmann Tracey tells us if red is a hot paint color for walls and Kris Kiser, CEO of the TurfMutt Foundation, discusses their “5 Messages Your Yard Sends Potential Home Buyers” report.

AgencyLogic shares the best real estate podcasts daily. Click here for more great podcasts!