Siri Remains The Most Used Mobile Voice Assistant

Even though Android is the dominant operating system on the smartphone market, Apple’s Siri leads the U.S. market for voice assistants on mobile phones with 45.65 percent. Even though available on most Android devices, the Google Assistant only has a market share of 28.9 percent while Samsung’s Bixby even ranks below Amazon’s Alexa, a voice assistant which is not native to any Smartphone.

Tom Ferry Discusses How to Hire Your First Assistant

When it gets busy at work, we sometimes forget about the things that make us money. In the following video Tom discusses how you can step up your game and hire your first assistant!

Or if you already have an assistant this is a refresher for you to think about leveling up and adding some else to your team!

He covers:

  • How to hire an assistant
  • How to train an assistant
  • How to stay organized and manage your time WISELY