Is Trash The Building Material of The Future?

All over the world, countries, companies, and people are turning trash into treasure. What starts as old milk cartons, tires, or seaweed becomes bricks, tiles, and boxes used for things such as paving roads and building homes. In the following video we see Business Insider’s visit to places like Kenya, Nigeria, Mexico, and Thailand where they see if garbage is the building material of the future.

The Natural Building Blocks of Sustainable Architecture

If we’re going to solve the climate crisis, we need to talk about construction. The four main building materials that humans currently use — concrete, steel, masonry and wood — have a heavy environmental impact, but what if we had a fifth option?

In the following video, from TED, architect Michael Green proposes an entirely new, natural medium inspired by the structure of trees and plants. We learn about the carbon-sequestering solution to our construction conundrum that’s laying the groundwork for a truly sustainable future.