Teens and Parents Both Struggle to Unplug

Source: Statista

Teens and parents both struggle to get away from their phones. Pew research surveyed teens between the ages of 13 and 17, and the parents of those teens, who all reported having trouble unplugging. A little over half of the teens polled reported spending too much time on their phone, while about 36 percent of parents reported feeling the same. Notably, a little under three-quarters of teens say they check their phone for messages as soon as they wake up, while 57 percent of parents report the same habit.

Teens and parents reported similar rates of losing focus in class or work because of their cellphone, with 31 percent of teens reporting that problem, while 39 percent of parents report that issue.

What Smartphone Buyers Really Want (Infographic)

Source: Statista

While smartphone manufacturers tend to show off the latest technological advancements cloaked in marketing jargon when presenting a new smartphone model, a recent survey by Morning Consult has revealed that something much more mundane and practical is at the top of smartphone users’ wishlists. According to the survey, longer battery life is the most important feature for American smartphone owners, ahead of usability, storage and durability.

Interestingly, many of the recent innovations in smartphone technology, e.g. AR/VR and facial recognition, are among the features Americans don’t really care about. This, along with ever-rising prices, could explain the recent slowdown in worldwide smartphone sales, at least to a certain extent.