Only Little More Than Half of The World is Online

Back in 2013 former Google chairman Eric Schmidt envisioned the whole world would be connected by the end of the decade. Back then only roughly one third of world’s population had access to the world wide web. Now, 5 years later, 46 percent of the world are still left in digital darkness and it is thought that a fully connected world will not be seen within this decade, at least. As this infographic shows, especially Asia and Africa remain widely unconnected to the internet.

But there is still a gleam of hope left that we will see a fully connected world by the end of 2020. Increasingly affordable smartphones in combination with the provision of wireless internet becoming simpler seems to be the solution to connect even remote areas and economically disadvantaged strata of the world’s population in no time.

Connected Living and the Future of Payment Infographic

Source: Statista

Over the past few years, technology has evolved quicker than ever before. When the first iPhone was released in 2007, it seemed like a thing from a science fiction movie. From today’s point of view it looks old, clunky and lacking in functionality. These days, everything is connected: what started with our mobile phones soon expanded to our watches, our homes and even our cars. The below infographic, created in cooperation with Wirecard, sums up key aspects of our newly connected lives and how it will affect the way we pay.

This infographic sums up key facts on connected living.

You will find more statistics at Statista