These Devices Rule the American Home

Source: Statista

These days, people no longer have to load up their computers to connect to the internet. Many now own a myriad of connected devices as the internet has extended its reach beyond the office and into the living room. According to comScore data, an average household in the United States has 10 active connected devices; households with 4 or more people even have 19 devices on average.

Today’s chart shows which devices are the most common in American homes. While virtually every household has a PC and at least one smartphone, 7 in 10 call a tablet their own.

This chart shows household penetration of connected devices in the United States.

You will find more statistics at Statista

What Is The Internet of Things?

Source: Business Insider

The “Internet of Things” is described as:

“[a] network of physical objects—devices, vehicles, buildings and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity—that enables these objects to collect and exchange data.”

In normal speak it is a car with apps, kitchen appliances that you control from outside of the house and wearable devices that tell you how many steps you took today and then shares that data with your friends.

Here is a more detailed explanation in the form of an infographic: