Foreclosure Starts Increase In 44 Percent Of U.S. Markets In July 2018

July the Third Consecutive Month with an Annual Increase in 15 Percent of Markets; Atlantic City, Peoria, Fayetteville, North Carolina Post Top Metro Foreclosure Rates

Irvine, CA – Aug. 21, 2018 (PRNewswire) ATTOM Data Solutions, curator of the nation’s premier property database, today released its July 2018 U.S. Foreclosure Market Report, which shows that foreclosure starts increased from a year ago in 96 of the 219 metropolitan statistical areas (44 percent) analyzed in the report.

A total of 30,187 U.S. properties started the foreclosure process for the first time in July, up 1 percent from the previous month and up less than 1 percent from a year ago — the first year-over-year increase in foreclosure starts nationwide following 36 consecutive months of year-over-year decreases.

Twenty-one states posted a year-over-year increase in foreclosure starts in July, including Florida (up 35 percent); California (up 3 percent); Texas (up 7 percent); Illinois (up 7 percent); and Ohio (up 2 percent).

Metro areas posting year-over-year increases in foreclosure starts in July included Los Angeles, California (up 20 percent); Houston, Texas (up 76 percent); Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (up 10 percent); Miami, Florida (up 29 percent); and San Francisco, California (up 10 percent).

“The increase in foreclosure starts is not just a one-month anomaly in many local markets given that July represented the third consecutive month with a year-over-year increase in 33 metro areas, including Los Angeles, Miami, Houston, Detroit, San Diego and Austin,” said Daren Blomquist, senior vice president with ATTOM Data Solutions. “Gradually loosening lending standards over the past few years have introduced a modicum of risk back into the housing market, and that additional risk is resulting in rising foreclosure starts in a diverse set of markets across the country. Most susceptible to rising foreclosure starts are affordability-challenged markets where homebuyers are more financially stretched and markets with some type of trigger event such as a natural disaster or large-scale layoffs.”

Atlantic City, Peoria, Fayetteville, North Carolina post top metro foreclosure rates

Nationwide, one in every 2,086 U.S. housing units had a foreclosure filing in July. States with the highest foreclosure rates in July were New Jersey (one in every 723 housing units with a foreclosure filing); Delaware (one in every 841); Maryland (one in every 1,038); Florida (one in every 1,180); and Illinois (one in every 1,277).

Among the 219 metropolitan statistical areas with at least 200,000 people, those with the highest foreclosure rates in July were Atlantic City, New Jersey (one in every 448 housing units with a foreclosure filing); Peoria, Illinois (one in every 622); Fayetteville, North Carolina (one in every 683); Trenton, New Jersey (one in every 703); and Philadelphia (one in every 851).

Report methodology

The ATTOM Data Solutions U.S. Foreclosure Market Report provides a count of the total number of properties with at least one foreclosure filing entered into the ATTOM Data Warehouse during the month. Some foreclosure filings entered into the database during the month may have been recorded in previous months. Data is collected from more than 2,200 counties nationwide, and those counties account for more than 90 percent of the U.S. population. ATTOM’s report incorporates documents filed in all three phases of foreclosure: Default — Notice of Default (NOD) and Lis Pendens (LIS); Auction — Notice of Trustee Sale and Notice of Foreclosure Sale (NTS and NFS); and Real Estate Owned, or REO properties (that have been foreclosed on and repurchased by a bank). For the annual, midyear and quarterly reports, if more than one type of foreclosure document is received for a property during the timeframe, only the most recent filing is counted in the report. The annual, midyear, quarterly and monthly reports all check if the same type of document was filed against a property previously. If so, and if that previous filing occurred within the estimated foreclosure timeframe for the state where the property is located, the report does not count the property in the current year, quarter or month.

About ATTOM Data Solutions

ATTOM Data Solutions provides premium property data to power products that improve transparency, innovation, efficiency and disruption in a data-driven economy. ATTOM multi-sources property tax, deed, mortgage, foreclosure, environmental risk, natural hazard, and neighborhood data for more than 155 million U.S. residential and commercial properties covering 99 percent of the nation’s population. A rigorous data management process involving more than 20 steps validates, standardizes and enhances the data collected by ATTOM, assigning each property record with a persistent, unique ID — the ATTOM ID. The 9TB ATTOM Data Warehouse fuels innovation in many industries including mortgage, real estate, insurance, marketing, government and more through flexible data delivery solutions that include bulk file licenses, APIs, market trends, marketing lists, match & append and more.

Media Contact:

Christine Stricker
(949) 748-8428

Data and Report Licensing:

(949) 502-8313

To Walk Away From A Mortgage – Is It The ‘Right’ Thing To Do?

In February I highlighted a CBS video that suggested, under certain circumstances, people should walk away from their mortgage. It generated some passionate commentary including:

“I noticed there was no mention of moral obligation or the additional stress to the already devastated financial market caused by people who choose to walk away from the[ir] mortgage simply because it’s better for them. Why worry about other people? As usual, this approach is short sighted and self centered. Just the kind of lunacy that caused this mess in the first place.”


“Who is this nut bag? Please – walk away. The Gov’t has HAMP and now HAFA. No mention of other options, like short sales? Did i miss something or is this woman not fully educated about avoiding foreclosure.”

It seems that more and more people are walking away and the conversation continues. On Sunday Morley Safer on the CBS show 60 Minutes discussed the question, with far more focus on the moral obligations of home ownership.

Part of this is certainly generational. My own father was always proud that over many decades his bank account never went overdrawn. Today’s generation (whatever that means) doesn’t see things that way and are far more comfortable with debt. Add new companies like to the mix and the decision about staying or walking away from a mortgage becomes a lot easier for many to make. It certainly seems easier for people born after 1950.

Is it the right thing to do? I more I think about it, the more I see things from both sides but I’m not a Realtor. That said, in trying to answer the question, does it matter if you are a Realtor or is this a question for ‘the people’? Separately, what role (if any) does/should a Realtor play in this?

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