Social Media Influences Younger Americans More

With content on political and social questions constantly being posted on social media, one might imagine that those platforms are a potent tool in shaping opinion. Nevertheless, in a survey conducted by Pew Research only 14 percent of all American adults admit to already having changed their view on a social or political issue by seeing respective content on social media. Young adults aged 18 to 29 are most open to influence through posts on such platforms. Other than the survey’s outcome might suggest, social media still has a huge impact on opinion building, since a shift in political positions does not necessarily need to happen in a sudden and complete reversal of one’s opinion after being exposed to respective content. Also, it can be assumed that people who switched sides on a certain topic do not necessarily admit to it.

How Many Texts Do 18-24 Years Old Send?

Using data from Pew Internet Business Insider has posted this interesting graph demonstrating text usage by age:

The median age of a REALTOR is 56 placing them in one of the lowest texting groups; this gels with our own experience. We have always provided free texting/SMS with single property Website sign-riders but from day one we’ve had clients who not only don’t understand what texting is but specifically request that we send them ‘normal’ sign riders i.e. one without a unique text code.

Texting as a method of communication will continue to rise so I’m hoping these agents will become an ever decreasing group especially when you consider that the report highlights:

  • 83% of American adults own cell phones
  • 73% of them send and receive text messages
  • 31% said they preferred texts to talking on the phone

In the interim, for anyone interested in the full details of the Pew report click here:

Americans and Text Messaging