Tom Ferry Discusses 5 Ways to Improve Your Listing Presentation

Tom says you might not want to show this video to the other agents in your office. He says you will watch this video 15 times. He says he’ll do a crazy dance when you tell him just how good this video is. So what does he discuss?

In summary it is:

1. Know your customer
2. Prime the client for a ‘yes’ and do your homework
3. Show up mentally prepared
4. Sales is a story
5. Case study vs. promise

It is great to hear Tom making many points we have been making for years especially about story telling (see: A Real Estate Agent’s Online Story – What is Yours?) and how to stand out at a listing presentation (give the seller what they want and that means marketing centered on their home, a single property Website!)

For the details you’ll have to do what Tom suggests and that starts with watching the video. Enjoy!

Leigh Brown Discusses How To Get More Listings Now

The AgencyLogic single property Website software is often used to get a listing but is it enough on its own?

In the following video, from the Florida REALTORS YouTube channel, Leigh Brown discusses how important it is get know the seller before you walk though the door with a listing presentation. Build trust, and set yourself apart by approaching sellers in a way that is familiar and acceptable to them. Watch the video for more tips.

Tom Ferry Asks What’s Your Real Estate USP (Unique Selling Proposition)?

Have you ever been in a competitive selling situation? Well, the reality is as a real estate agent you are always in a competitive situation. Everyone you talk to knows a real estate agent, whether it’s a family member, a friend, or a co-worker’s spouse. So, the question Tom has for you is … what are you doing to become THE go-to agent in your marketplace?

The first step to staying top-of-mind and winning more listings is to formulate your USP (Unique Selling Proposition); a single property Website from AgencyLogic is a great place to achieve that!

Your USP is what makes you stand apart from the crowd, what’s memorable about you, and why the client should select you over the competition.