The Top Way People Share Property Data Is?

Every AgencyLogic single property Website includes the ShareThis feature:

single property website

which, when clicked, provides visitors to the Website with almost two hundred different ways to share the Website:

But which option, channel, social network or service do people chose the most?

The answer is Facebook.


single property websites

The top five methods are:

1. Facebook
2. Everything Else Combined
3. Email
4. Pinterest
5. Twitter

Do you use Facebook to market your listings? Do you have a Facebook page? If you don’t let us know and we can help!

Where To Get Real Estate Humor, Technology, Marketing and News

With hundred of millions of users, Twitter remains a monster social network and much loved way to share news, commentary, content and opinion.

For a real estate perspective there’s no better place to go than the AgencyLogic Twitter account. Simply follow @AgencyLogic and enjoy!

Twitter Logo

Where To Get Real Estate Humor, Technology, Marketing and News

With millions of members in hundreds of countries, LinkedIn is by far the largest professional network on the Web. While the content and objectives of the platform vary significantly from other ‘social’ networks, it has a large number of company pages and is a great source for professional content.

For a real estate perspective there’s no better place than the AgencyLogic LinkedIn page. To see more, visit LinkedIn!