Connected Living and the Future of Payment Infographic

Source: Statista

Over the past few years, technology has evolved quicker than ever before. When the first iPhone was released in 2007, it seemed like a thing from a science fiction movie. From today’s point of view it looks old, clunky and lacking in functionality. These days, everything is connected: what started with our mobile phones soon expanded to our watches, our homes and even our cars. The below infographic, created in cooperation with Wirecard, sums up key aspects of our newly connected lives and how it will affect the way we pay.

This infographic sums up key facts on connected living.

You will find more statistics at Statista

Voice for Real Estate – Taxes, CFA, Settlement, TRID and Credit

REALTORS® benefit the most when they manage their finances during the year with an eye on their tax liability. That’s the message of two tax experts who are hosting a live webcast on how to manage your income like a business.

In this weeks “The Voice for Real Estate” we also look at NAR’s condo financing Call for Action, the Move-Zillow legal settlement, and difficulties real estate agents are facing trying to get the closing disclosure under new “Know Before You Owe” rules so they can help their clients.

The video also looks at the impact of student debt on home buying, efforts to make credit scores more accurate for people who have thin credit files, and the latest commercial real estate economic and regulatory update.