The Friday Deal – One Week, Two Offers!

It’s Friday! And this weeks we don’t have a deal, we have two!

Deal 1 – buy five single property Website licenses, get two free! That’s a $125 saving!

Deal 2 – buy one single property Website licenses, get one free! That’s a $50 saving!

Our most frequently asked questions:

Q: Is the domain name included?

A: Yes!

Q: Are there additional or recurring charges/costs?

A: No!

Q: When does the single property Website expire?

A: Each single property Website lasts one year from activation which is the moment you decide to pick a domain name and make it live. If you have multiple single property licenses they can sit in your account until you need to use them. So you can buy five to get the discounted pricing, use one today and use the others at any point in the future!

Q: What do you get with a single property Website?

A: Click here for more info.

Q: How much do single property Websites cost?

A: Click here for more info.

Login or register today!

Want more info? See what other agents and brokers are saying in this brief video:

What is The Problem With Voice Recognition Software? A Scottish Perspective :)

An accent is a wonderful thing, sometimes. My own English accent has always been the first thing people comment upon this side of the pond and most are very complimentary.

But there is a dark side to having an accent. When it comes to voice recognition software the world is run by computers and they prefer what I call “Microsoft English”. I’ll never do it publicly but I regularly resort to pronouncing words with an American accent. It’s why the following comedy sketch really made me laugh. I not only understand the comedians frustration, I feel it 🙂

If you enjoyed this post you’ll certainly enjoy these other ‘Just For Fun’ posts!

The Invisible Tree House

Our post on amazing tree houses has seen a lot of activity recently so I thought the following would also be of interest; the invisible tree house:

But this is more than just a tree house – it’s a hotel room:

Located in Harads, Sweden the owners of “Treehotel” asked:

“Why not create a comfortable, well designed hotel which allows visitors to live in harmony with nature amongst the trees?

with the mirror tree house being one of several with really funky designs. Here are a few photos of the others – this takes tree hugging to another level.

If you enjoyed this post you’ll certainly enjoy these other ‘Just For Fun’ posts!