AgencyLogic Support Series – How to Edit Your Contact Information

AgencyLogic PowerSites allow you to add up to three agents for each single property Websites.

Please follow these steps to edit your contacts – if you have additional questions give us a call on:

(888) 201-5160

or email:

Step 1:

Log into your account and click the “My Account” link in the top menu:

Step 2:

From the dropdown list of options click the “Contact Manager” link:

Step 3:

You will see the “Contact Manager” screen which details all of the contacts under your account:

Step 4:

To edit a contact click the ‘Edit’ button to the right of the name:

Step 5:

You will see three tabs:

1. Contact Info:

Here you change all of your basic contact information including name, address, telephone number, email address and links:

2. Bio & Photo:

Here you provide a detailed bio, can upload a photo and have the REALTOR and Equal Housing Opportunity logos appear automatically:

3. Designations:

Here you can select any designation you have and want to appear with your contact information – there are sixtythree to chose from:

Step 6:

Click ‘Save’ in the top right corner:

10 More Unusual Business Cards

Earlier this week we highlighted some creative and unusual business cards (see: 10 Unusual Business Cards) and here are some more courtesy of Oddee. Enjoy:

This restaurant business card is all Greek to me!

Furniture company Tok&Stok have a business card that turns into a chair:

This makeup company uses an ink stamp to leave their mark on paper, napkins and cards:

A telecoms engineer uses a circuit board that includes a letter and his resume/CV when plugged into a computer:

Dog trainer Sergio Freitas uses actual dog biscuits as a business card 🙂

And security consultant Kevin Mitnick includes a lock picking kit:

This Divorce Mediator includes a condom in her business card. I’m scratching my head on this one…

Brazilian cargo company Tam Cargo have a business card that transforms in a box:

And Dr. Hajnal Kiprov provides breast enhancement services:

And finally…perhaps lady Gaga will like this meat business card 🙂

If you enjoyed this post you’ll certainly enjoy these other ‘Just For Fun’ posts!