The Top Way People Share Property Data Is?

Every AgencyLogic single property Website includes the ShareThis feature:

which, when clicked, provides visitors to the Website with almost two hundred different ways to share the Website:

But which option, channel, social network or service do people chose the most?

The answer is Facebook.


The top five methods are:

1. Facebook
2. Everything Else Combined
3. Email
4. Pinterest
5. Twitter

Do you use Facebook to market your listings? Do you have a Facebook page? If you don’t let us know and we can help!

REALTORS® Try to Pronounce Town Names in Massachusetts

Ask just about any REALTOR® to name the most important thing a property should have: location, location, location. So can you properly pronounce these Massachusetts locations? It’s time to practice before attending the 2018 REALTORS® Conference & Expo, November 2-5 in Boston!