AgencyLogic Support Series – PowerSite Statistics

AgencyLogic PowerSites include detailed statistics to answer, among other questions, how many people visit your single property Websites.

Please follow these steps to access the data and reports – if you have additional questions give us a call on:

(888) 201-5160

or email:

Step 1:

Log into your account and click the PowerSite you want to see reports on. You can also click “My PowerSites” to see a list of your single property Websites:

Step 2:

Click the “Marketing” tab:

Step 3:

Click the “PowerSite Statistics” link:

You will then see several reports that include:

  • A general overview
  • Site activity
  • Page activity and
  • Referring sites

As you look at the statistics you need to understand the following key terms:

Visits: A count of each time someone viewed your PowerSite. They can look at dozens of pages, download documents, floor plans etc. but this still counts as 1 visit. That same person could view your PowerSite later the same day and would count as another visit.

Page View: Is a count of each PowerSite page displayed. The whole page (images and photos) counts as 1 view.

Hit: Is the number of items displayed to your clients including a Web page, graphic or a photo. Each one counts as 1 hit.

Redneck Realty Closing Gifts

Here is another in our series of Redneck Real Estate (see: “Redneck Facebook Update“, “Redneck Home Repair” and “Redneck Real Estate“). A great incentive?

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