Real Estate Podcast: How A Married Couple Built 5 Businesses in 5 Years

Galen Callahan and Sergio Gonzalez have been married for 13 years, have five daughters together, and in the last five years they have built… you guessed it… FIVE different companies. 

Where most people would be spinning out of control, Galen and Sergio have found a way to manage their businesses and their home life with ease and efficiency. In today’s Real Estate Podcast, from Tom Ferry, this dynamic duo shares some of their secrets, including:

  • Pivoting when circumstances change
  • Playing to each other’s strengths
  • Installing management and creating the right culture for each company
  • Outsourcing at work and home

If you work directly with your spouse or have ever considered it, you’ll want to watch or listen to this advice, right here.

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