Another Sarah Bandy Community Video

Contributor: Stephen Fells

I’ve highlighted one of Sarah Bandy’s community video’s before and the post received a lot of traffic, especially on ActiveRain. Here is her latest production which is equally as good. If you want to know why I like this and the other video so much please see my comments on the prior post. Enjoy 🙂

Rumson NJ from Sarah Bandy on Vimeo.

Reality Realtor – Episode 2

Sarah Bandy, a successful entrepreneur and president of The Bandy Group, continues a new concept in reality TV.

Bandy is the star of Project: Reality Real Estate, a weekly “fly on the wall” documentary-style show which chronicles her ambitious new real estate campaign aimed at netting $1 million dollars in one year’s time. In the following episode Sarah is faced with staffing problems and experiences difficulty in negotiating the printing cost for 16,000 postcards.

To find out more about Sarah Bandy and to check out Project: Reality Real Estate, please visit and follow her on twitter @SarahBandy.