Millennials and Housing: Live Town Hall with HUD Secretary Julián Castro

Millennials are 27 percent of the US population, and they’re transitioning from renters into homeowners. Join NAR on October 26th at 6 PM EST for a live online town hall meeting where HUD Secretary Julián Castro and® Chief Economist Jonathan Smoke discuss challenges and opportunities facing millennials in today’s housing market.

HUD Secretary Castro, NAR President Polychron, and Other Experts Convened at NAR on Credit Access

In the following video from the NAR YouTube channel, NAR President Chris Polychron opened a summit on credit access by welcoming Julian Castro, the secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, who said his agency is looking at the credit scoring issue as part of its effort to improve credit access to Americans.

The Asian Real Estate Association of America and the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals partnered with NAR on the meeting.