Single Property Website Support: How Do I Change My Password?

To change the password for your AgencyLogic single property Website PowerSite Pro account, follow these steps.

Step 1:

Visit the password reset page:

or visit and click the “Login” button:

Step 2:

Click the “Forgot Your Password?” link:

Step 3:

Enter your email address and click the “Send Password Reset Link” button:

If you have an account, you will see this message:

Step 4:

You will receive an email immediately (please check your spam folder if you do not see the email in your inbox). Click the “Reset Your Password” button:

Step 5:

You will see the password reset page, which is also accessible at:

Enter your e-mail address, and your new password in the the “Password” and “Confirm Password” fields. Then click the “Reset Password” button.

You will automatically be logged in, and can use your new password for future logins.

If you have additional questions, email:

Or give us a call on: (888) 201-5160

Single Property Website Support: How Do I Add or Edit a Link To My YouTube Account?

To add or edit a link to your YouTube account or page on any AgencyLogic PowerSite Pro single property Website, follow these steps.

Step 1:

Visit and login:

Step 2:

Click the “Agents” link:

Step 3:

Click the “Edit” icon:

Step 4:

Add or edit your YouTube account link or page in the “YouTube” field and click the “Update” button.

This is not a free form, text field. Please make sure you add “http://” or “https://” in front of your Website address. Not doing so will prevent you from editing or adding the information. :

If you have additional questions, email:

Or give us a call on: (888) 201-5160

Single Property Website Support: How Do I Create An Account?

To create an AgencyLogic single property Website PowerSite Pro account, follow these steps.

Step 1:

Visit and click the “Free Trial” or “Create a Free Account” button:

Step 2:

Enter your required information and click the “Create Account” button:

If you have additional questions, email:

Or give us a call on: (888) 201-5160