How to Avoid Embarrassment When You Can’t Remember Someone’s Name

If you’ve ever been approached by someone and drawn a complete blank trying to remember their name, or even where you know them from, you know how awkward and embarrassing that situation can be!

In the following video BNI Founder Dr. Ivan Misner gives us some help : )

It’s All In A Name

If you think it’s hard selling homes in today’s economy things could always be worse. Welcome to Butt Hole Road…

Real? Unfortunately yes. Butt Hole Road is located in South Yorkshire, England. And it’s joined by many other interesting place names including Crapstone (Devon), Ugley (Essex), East Breast (Western Scotland) North Piddle (Worcestershire) and Spanker Lane (Derbyshire) 🙂

Taking Facebook Just a Little Too Seriously

Which one is crazier?

1. The Facebook Tattoo – Sported by musician T-Pain who tweets:

“I get a tatt every time I come to Hawaiil. I think this ones pretty sweet, unless facebook shuts down soon 0_o.”


2. The Child Named ‘Like”:

The BBC reports:

“An Israeli couple have named their baby daughter Like, taking inspiration from the Facebook social networking site. Lior Adler and his wife Vardit said they were looking for a name that was “modern and innovative”.”