Three Quick Ways to Identify Twitter Email Spam

Having been inundated with Facebook spam over recent months, it appears twitter spam is joining the noise. I received a few emails yesterday and thought I’d point out ways you can identify them as spam. So here it is, a pretty normal looking email, suggesting I have an unread message:

But if you look closer what can you see?

Things to notice:

1. The email isn’t addressed to anyone specific. The “Hi,” should detail my twitter name as in “Hi AgencyLogic,”

2. The body of the text has a typo: “You have 1 unreaded message”

3. If you place your mouse over the link (don’t click it!) you will see the link goes to a domain name that definitely isn’t twitter. I don’t know what is and have no plans on finding out.

The lesson to be learned here is look before you click, hope this helps.