Real Estate Podcast: How to Lead a Real Estate Brokerage in a Competitive Changing Market

We are all certain that the only constant thing is change, and leading a brokerage in a changing competitive market is a role that only real leaders can endure.

In today’s Real Estate Podcast, from the aptly named The Real Estate Podcast, Matt and Alex chat about the importance of consistency in your day-to-day life and how risk is a part of your decision-making as a business owner. They bring to the table the changes that a brokerage puts up with to be competitive in this constantly changing economy. Listen to real estate experts talk about where the current real estate markets are changing and how you need to lead with confidence to make the right decisions.

Real Estate Podcast: The Journey to Building Generational Wealth Through Real Estate

If you’re looking to build generational wealth, the first thing you need to do is seize the opportunities that come your way.

In today’s Real Estate Podcast, from The Real Estate Podcast, Matt and Alex sit with Rick Morin to listen to his incredible story from buying 1 property at a very young age to owning 15 and creating $300,000 in cashflow.

Real Estate Podcast: How the Right Friendships Will Determine Your Success

One secret to expand your real estate business is not all in your business model, but in who you choose as a best friend.

In today’s Real Estate Podcast, from the aptly named Real Estate Podcast, Alex gets together with Justin Desmond and Emily Sorgen from Pluto Capital Investments. 

There are many types of roles you can hire for a real estate business, but one of the most important factors to success is choosing the right partner.

Listen to what they teach us about the importance of friendship in business and how having a primary focus on making others more successful can skyrocket your career in the industry. If you’re looking to be successful in real estate, it’s important to choose a friend who shares your core values- like bringing honesty and hard work to everything they undertake.