Is There Gender Equality in Real Estate?

This blog focuses on real estate, technology and marketing. It’s the last of the three that often gets us talking about ‘media’. Add that the majority of Realtors, 57%, are female and I hope you’ll understand why I’m highlighting this video.

The video is a trailer for the movie “Miss Representation” and the description on YouTube includes the following statement:

“Like drawing back a curtain to let bright light stream in, MISS REPRESENTATION uncovers a glaring reality we live with every day but fail to see. Directed by Jennifer Siebel Newsom, the film explores how mainstream media contribute to the under-representation of women in influential positions in America and challenges the media’s limiting and often disparaging portrayals of women, which make it difficult for the average girl to see herself as powerful.”

So my question; is there gender equality in real estate?

One thought on “Is There Gender Equality in Real Estate?

  1. It’s a really good question. Dating back to the old ‘Welcome Wagon’ commercials, the media has always clearly represented Realtors as being women, the cliche being that it was an easy career to manage with a family. What the 57% statistic shows us is that the majority of real estate agents are female, but does it mean that the public (or major corporations making real estate deals) believe that male Realtors are more skilled? Could make a great study.

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