This Is What Happens When T-Mobile Markets The Royal Wedding

Stephen M. FellsThis blog covers three main areas: real estate, technology and marketing.

It’s the latter that has prompted posts about the amazingly creative and viral ads put out by T-Mobile (see: ‘Facebook, Viral Marketing and Real Estate‘ and ‘T-Mobile Does It Again – Marketing At It’s Best‘) and here’s the short background on their latest creation.

One of the most viral videos over the last couple of years has been the JK wedding (currently at just under 65 million views):

The NBC comedy hit ‘The Office‘ had their own spin for Pam and Jim’s wedding:

And so to T-Mobile’s ‘wedding entrance dance to top all wedding entrance dances’ (yes, they are royal lookalikes, not the real thing). Thanks to Diane ‘Hey Amaretto’ Guercio for pointing this out – we can only hope the real thing is half as much fun. Enjoy πŸ™‚