6 Cool USB Flash Drives

A good friend used to be head of technology at a global bank and about five years ago managed a project that involved buying 3 terabytes of storage at a cost of $1,000,000 per terabyte. You can now buy the same amount of storage from Staples for less than $100.

The sad thing about technology is that as soon as you buy something there’s already a similar product that is faster, lighter and cheaper. With disk storage, USB flash drives are now so cheap that many companies give them away. But the following half a dozen drives will cost you. And they are all cool enough to warrant a few dollars 🙂

1. Hungry? Try these donut flash drives:

2. Not safe for frequent flyers! This hand grenade version is definitely something you will want to leave at the office:

3. It has to be 5pm somewhere! For the party animal this Budweiser drive ensures you are never far from refreshment:

4. Need to eat with that beer? The sushi USB flash drives are as beautiful as the food they are based on:

5. Here’s a green version for the ‘huggers’:

6. And finally, for the CSI addicts out there, the incredibly gory severed finger drive:

Hudson Valley Realtor Convention Vendor Profile – David Feldman of Arnoff Moving and Storage

Speaking at the Hudson Valley Realtor Convention David Feldman of Arnoff Moving and Storage explains how his company can help real estate agents and home owners.