10 More Unusual Business Cards

We’ve recently highlighted some creative and unusual business cards (see: 10 Unusual Business Cards) and here are some more courtesy of Oddee. Enjoy:

This restaurant business card is all Greek to me!

Furniture company Tok&Stok have a business card that turns into a chair:

This makeup company uses an ink stamp to leave their mark on paper, napkins and cards:

A telecoms engineer uses a circuit board that includes a letter and his resume/CV when plugged into a computer:

Dog trainer Sergio Freitas uses actual dog biscuits as a business card 🙂

And security consultant Kevin Mitnick includes a lock picking kit:

This Divorce Mediator includes a condom in her business card. I’m scratching my head on this one…

Brazilian cargo company Tam Cargo have a business card that transforms in a box:

And Dr. Hajnal Kiprov provides breast enhancement services:

And finally…perhaps lady Gaga will like this meat business card 🙂

Real Estate Agent Headshots – Let The Fun Begin!

It’s no secret that people do judge a book by it’s cover. Some say people with beards are ‘more trustworthy‘ but are less effective when trying to sell underwear, who knew?

And so to REALTOR headshots. Do people judge a REALTOR based on the accuracy, or otherwise, of the photo on their business card? You judge – which one is your favorite?

Our first category – ‘agents in hats’:

And onto an alcohol theme:

Then the ‘phone stuck to my ear!’ group:

The ‘my head will fall off if I don’t prop it up’ collection:

The ‘comedy sells’ shots:

And lastly the ‘what the!’ photos (yes, I know there’s a dupe, but he’s our favorite):

Source: estateagents.tumblr.com

If you like this post you’ll love our other ‘Just For Fun‘ posts!

10 Unusual Business Cards

Whenever we meet someone in a business environment we go through the tradition of exchanging business cards. The question is, with the following, very creative, business cards could you trash them easily?

If you want to see more click here 🙂

If you enjoyed this post you’ll certainly enjoy these other ‘Just For Fun’ posts!