How To Post Your Single Property Website To Craigslist – Part 2

This is part two in our four part series explaining how to post your single property Website to Craigslist. Part one can be found here.

The following tips will help you create a great Craigslist ad for your single property Website using the AgencyLogic auto-generated HTML as a starting point:

1. Posting Title: Keep it simple! Short, meaningful titles that include the property’s best keywords for your target audience are great. Avoid using all caps and exclamation points to draw attention.

2. Price Field: This is not required. If the price won’t particularly attract buyers, go ahead and try leaving it out – this may encourage viewers to visit your site. You know your market, will the price entice buyers or not?

Craigslist Logo

3. Posting Description: We have provided a lightly formatted posting description (using accepted tags) for you in the HTML flyer section of the AgencyLogic software. Once you copy and paste the provided code into your ad, take a close look at what your it contains. The top line (in <H1> tags) highlight in bold and larger text, your property URL. Next your “Home Page Introduction” is bolded with a <B> tag and your “Home Page Description” is situated just below.

Think quality not quantity when it comes to headlines and details – keep it concise, informative and true. Your description should be in short paragraphs that are easy to read.

People will likely be scanning ads for specific types of homes (3 bedroom, 2 bath, etc.) – be particular. Focus on desirable home attributes and upgrade keywords buyers want (hardwood floors, stainless steel appliances, beautiful, must see, private, two car garage, great location, plentiful storage, sunset view, etc.), local attractions (bike path names, desirable schools, popular parks, etc.), shopping and transit options (easy walk to restaurants, shops and schools, close to commuter train), and neighborhood names. Use your hard earned knowledge of your market to pick the best keywords. It’s ok to leave some information out – use this to get them to come to your website for more information. Again, avoid using ALL CAPS in your description.

Click here for the next segment in this series.

Two Little Pigs and an Apartment for Rent…

So we aren’t sure what materials the little pigs used to build this house and it probably won’t be blown down by the local wolf but given this craigslist description would you want to rent it?

“First, I have two pot belly pigs who will be an unavoidable part of your life. They are intelligent, sweet, and adorable, but they also behave like pigs and so anyone who lives here must understand how to interact with them properly. That I can teach you, but it requires a certain degree of confidence around animals. Franklin, the oldest, will bully you-they are herd animals and while I am ultimately alpha, he feels the need to climb the hierarchy. If you live here, logically you are in his herd, therefore he will challenge you every so often to establish who is where in the hierarchy. He can also be very sweet and cuddle with you on the couch while you watch your favorite show. The other one is an absolute sweetheart and will probably never challenge you. We can discuss the pig topic further.”

One last note, your new roommate adds ‘I don’t eat pork” …..

For Rent – Furnished Room With Dead Body and Snake?

Per Craigslist, Vancouver, BC you can rent a suite with “two friendly co-ed roommates” in this “spacious house” complete with what looks like a dead body in one room and either an enormous snake or possibly a leopard hanging over the fireplace.

Not bothering to move the car before taking a photo of the outside of the home confirms these ‘friendly’ renters know absolutely nothing about staging.