Real Estate Podcast: The Name of the Game

The most powerful and highest money-making skill in real estate is the ability to lead people to a decision to work with you. But what will make them say YES to you?

Certainty. Their feeling of certainty about you will make them want to hire you. But that certainty will come from you. For instance, as you’re talking to them, have that energy of certainty that you’re knowledgeable about the current market situation. When you show up with confidence, commitment, competence, courage, and compassion, people are irresistibly drawn to you. The key to gaining the trust and certainty of others is to have certainty in yourself.

Learn more about understanding the psychology of decision making in today’s Real Estate Podcast, from Kevin Ward’s YES Talk for Real Estate Agents. Your ability to lead people to a decision is directly related to your skill at decision-making. If you can’t make decisions for yourself, then you won’t be able to lead others to a decision. Decision-making is an uncomfortable process because pressure is what drives us to make most decisions. Learn how to open up a space where people can feel pressure, and then lead them to make a decision immediately.

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Real Estate Podcast: Pros Show Up Different

In today’s Real Estate Podcast, from Yes Talk for Real Estate Agents Podcast, Kevin Ward discusses winning big. He shares the need to think and play different; show up like a PRO, keep your commitments, and show up early for appointments because when you’re late, it tells people that you don’t keep your word. And when you don’t keep your commitments, people don’t trust you.

Kevin Ward’s Discusses Your First 30 Days As A New Real Estate Agent

In the following video, from Kevin Ward, we learn 3 important keys to help you succeed in your first 30 days as a new real estate agent. The last thing you’d want as a new real estate agent is to fail, right?

Kevin talks about what you should do in your first 30 days as an agent to start making money fast:

1. Commit to being the BEST

2. Train like your life depends on it

3. Believe you can do this

Kevin shares how you’ll stay ahead of the curve by consistently training and implementing these strategies.