Real Estate Podcast: The Name of the Game

The most powerful and highest money-making skill in real estate is the ability to lead people to a decision to work with you. But what will make them say YES to you?

Certainty. Their feeling of certainty about you will make them want to hire you. But that certainty will come from you. For instance, as you’re talking to them, have that energy of certainty that you’re knowledgeable about the current market situation. When you show up with confidence, commitment, competence, courage, and compassion, people are irresistibly drawn to you. The key to gaining the trust and certainty of others is to have certainty in yourself.

Learn more about understanding the psychology of decision making in today’s Real Estate Podcast, from Kevin Ward’s YES Talk for Real Estate Agents. Your ability to lead people to a decision is directly related to your skill at decision-making. If you can’t make decisions for yourself, then you won’t be able to lead others to a decision. Decision-making is an uncomfortable process because pressure is what drives us to make most decisions. Learn how to open up a space where people can feel pressure, and then lead them to make a decision immediately.

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Real Estate Podcast: 3 Secrets to Success in a Market Shift

In today’s Real Estate Podcast, from YES Talk for Real Estate Agents, we hear about 3 secrets to success in a market shift for realtors:

  1. The Power of Commitment. Be willing to go ALL IN 100% (this is not the time to be a part-time agent). Your commitment is what drives you to do the work consistently. Don’t give yourself an option to fail.
  2. Mastery over your feelings. Your feelings are probably the most powerful part of your life, because they drive your behavior. The highest achievers in the world follow their commitments rather than allow their emotions to control them. Stop seeking other people’s approval because their opinions don’t determine your success.
  3. Having an Energy of Certainty. Especially during times of chaos, people turn to someone with absolute certainty & confidence that they know what they’re doing. Sellers & buyers are looking for an agent they can trust to help them. Trust yourself first before you can earn their trust.

Your commitment drives your actions towards mastery of your feelings and the skills to become great at what you do. You then become more confident, show up with certainty, and get people to trust you.

Real Estate Podcast: Lead Generation Secret – Why I Don’t Recommend Cold Calling

Cold calling works, but is it the best way to do lead generation?

In today’s Real Estate Podcast, from Kevin Ward’s YES Talk. we hear 3 reasons why he doesn’t recommend cold calling.

  1. You’re talking to the WRONG AUDIENCE. 95% of the time, you’re talking to people who are not actively interested in buying or selling a house. They’re an audience that doesn’t trust you, nor want to talk to you. You may be offering the right service…but at the wrong time.
  2. It’s the WRONG APPROACH for 2021. Trying to convince somebody before you’ve connected with them is very difficult today, when people are more distrustful and skeptical. Offering a service with no established credibility or trust is hard.
  3. It creates the WRONG OUTCOME. The negative experience of constant rejection from cold calling leaves you jaded and not wanting to talk to anyone at all.