Highlighting The Homeless Problem Using Social Media

Stephen M. FellsUnder the ‘bizarre’ category Matthew Ferrara made an interesting observation in his recent blog post ‘Bizarre, Cool, Finally and Funny: Observations from the 2009 NAR Annual Conference’:

“Bizarre: Do you think that if the REALTOR convention happens in a city with a high homeless rates, we’d talk about it at a session or two? It seems the height of irony that so many “home ownership professionals” gather in places like San Francisco, San Diego, New Orleans and Washington DC – ostensibly to learn new ways to sell more homes – only to find themselves taking the bus from hotel to convention center because the streets are overcrowded with people without homes. Am I the only one who noticed this, all these years?”

That observation came to mind when I saw the following video on CNN. Created by Mark Horvath, an ex-Hollywood executive who has himself been homeless, the video together with other social tools draws attention to the problem of homelessness in the United States. Leveraging twitter, Facebook, Flickr and a blog amongst his journalistic tools Horvath tells some shocking stories. Poignantly his blog warns “CAUTION: some content may be offensive. Our hope is you’ll get mad enough to do something.”