Murdered Iowa Real Estate Agent Reward Now At $67,000

Ashley Oakland

Ashley Oakland

Last week we reported the murder of West Des Moines real estate agent Ashley Oakland. As detailed on the CBS news Website the reward for the capture of the murderer is now $67,000 – “the largest Polk County Crime Stoppers reward fund ever created.”

Investigators are still trying to determine a motive and possible suspect.

The post further adds:

“There’s no reason to believe the shooting was anything other than an isolated incident.”

For full details including photos of Ashley see the CBS News Website.

September Is Realtor Safety Month

Stephen M. FellsDid you know? I just completed a very unscientific survey and asked eight active Realtor friends about the campaign and to my surprise they all responded with a version of “Never heard of it.”

Safety is an important consideration in all jobs but especially real estate. One only needs to remember the murder of Realtor Linda Stein or the long term mystery around the disappearance of estate agent Susie Lamplugh to see this is a very real issue. If you need more proof consider the murders of two Ohio Realtors only this month.

The National Association of Realtors has a great section on their Website filled with useful information. You can see it here:

It includes some excellent videos. Here is one, please make sure you visit the NAR Website to see the others and circulate the information as far and wide as you can.