Add a Link to All of Your Listings to Your Single Property Websites

Although the allure of a single property Website is that it is 100% dedicated to a single property, many agents have asked us if they can add a menu link to their other listings on their PowerSite. The answer is yes!

Here’s an advanced users tutorial of how to add a menu link to all of your other PowerSites on each single property Website:

First, copy and paste this bit of code somewhere where you can edit it:


Now, login to your AgencyLogic PowerSite account and go to the Tools menu at the very top. From here, select Lighthouse Settings. Now go to the PowerSite Showcase tab at the far right.

Here you will find the code that you need to copy under the “URL For Showcase” box. Select and copy this text.

You can also edit the way your PowerSite Showcase is displayed. You can change the way they are sorted, which property types are displayed, the background color and the size and color of the text. Give it a try!

PowerSite Showcase

So here’s the code that was copied:

Paste this code into the two sets of quote marks as shown here:


Now select the PowerSite you would like to add the showcase to (you can add this to all of your PowerSites too). And go to the “Media and Documents” tab and select “PowerMedia Video, Music, Blogs, Podcasts.” Then select “click here to add a video.”

Paste the long block of code into the “Video Source” field and then enter the link name – this is the text that will display on your PowerSite menu. For Link Type, we have selected Onsite Page. In the description field you can enter some text that will display above your PowerSite showcase. Don’t forget to hit “Save.”


And here’s what a PowerSite showcase looks like on your Single Property Website:

Listing Integration

How to Co-List a Property with Single Property PowerSites

Question: Can I set up a PowerSite with more than one agent?

Answer: It is easy to place two agents’ contact information on a PowerSite.

To do that go to:

  • Edit PowerSite
  • Select Contacts and Logo
  • Create one entry for each agent (you can add a bio and photo for each)
  • Select which agent you would like to be in position #1 and position #2

Here’s an example of a commercial property listed by two agents:

Commercial Real Estate Listing

Free PowerTalk Setup during December – Respond First and Win Business!

Our PowerTalk technology instantly connects interested consumers with agents via the telephone while they are online, browsing listings and viewing your properties.

If you sign up for PowerTalk during December, we’ll waive the $29.95 setup fee. You’ll only be charged the $14.95 monthly fee to use PowerTalk. No contracts, no obligation! Sign up before December 31, 2007 for this special offer.

Click to Talk to Jane Doe!

With 78% of consumers choosing the first agent that responds to them, PowerTalk gives our clients a clear and impressive competitive edge.

Once you purchase PowerTalk, you can place the “talk-to-me-now” button on all of your PowerSites, your own Websites and blogs and in your email communications – making it easy for interested people to connect with you. Here’s what the PowerTalk button will look like on your PowerSites:


The “talk-to-me-now” button will allow viewers to click and connect to you instantly via telephone based on the specific parameters (hours, phone numbers) you set within our system. The button will only appear during the hours you set.

Click on the image below to see what your clients will see when they click on the “click-to-talk” button:

PowerTalk Customer View

You can also load up to 10 Web pages that can be “pushed” to the user during the call by pressing number keys then pound (example: 90#) to instantly share important information, documents or forms with interested buyers.

To sign up for PowerTalk, login to your AgencyLogic account (or register at and go to the “Tools” menu and select “PowerTalk Click-to-Talk.” You will then be able to set up your phone numbers and your availability schedule.