Voice for Real Estate – Taxes, CFA, Settlement, TRID and Credit

REALTORS® benefit the most when they manage their finances during the year with an eye on their tax liability. That’s the message of two tax experts who are hosting a live webcast on how to manage your income like a business.

In this weeks “The Voice for Real Estate” we also look at NAR’s condo financing Call for Action, the Move-Zillow legal settlement, and difficulties real estate agents are facing trying to get the closing disclosure under new “Know Before You Owe” rules so they can help their clients.

The video also looks at the impact of student debt on home buying, efforts to make credit scores more accurate for people who have thin credit files, and the latest commercial real estate economic and regulatory update.

The Voice for Real Estate Discusses Credit, Vacation Homes and Drones

In this weeks “Voice for Real Estate” video, from the National Association of REALTORS YouTube channel, we hear about requested changes to the way credit scores are calculated, specifically to reflect shifts in demographics, technology, and lifestyles. At a summit NAR hosted with other groups, credit scoring companies said changes are in the works. HUD Secretary Julian Castro attended the summit and said FHA is looking at changes, too. Also covered: a surge in vacation home sales and what’s inside the proposed federal rule on drones.

HUD Secretary Castro, NAR President Polychron, and Other Experts Convened at NAR on Credit Access

In the following video from the NAR YouTube channel, NAR President Chris Polychron opened a summit on credit access by welcoming Julian Castro, the secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, who said his agency is looking at the credit scoring issue as part of its effort to improve credit access to Americans.

The Asian Real Estate Association of America and the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals partnered with NAR on the meeting.