4 Tips to Choose a Domain Name with Google Juice

Contributor: Frances Flynn Thorsen, SRS, e-PRO

(Editor Note: Also consider the tips in this post when picking a single property Website URL)

Choosing a domain name is the first step in creating a new real estate blog. Best naming practices have changed since the advent of real estate websites. Homeseekers was a pre-Millennium pioneer real estate website developer that delivered real estate template sites to tens of thousands of real estate agents who staked their claim on the Internet with dot coms using their given names. My first real estate website was a Homeseekers site wearing a not-so-catchy URL, “www.FrancesFlynnThorsen.com.”

The meta title on my website was better (and smarter) – Bethlehem PA Real Estate and Homes for Sale. The meta title drew visitors. The URL followed the naming convention of the time but it offered nothing in terms of SEO (search engine optimization) support. Agent URLs are not recommended unless you are received as a market superstar. Kevin Tomlinson’s blog, KevinTomlinson.com is an excellent example. Kevin is the leading luxury real estate blogger and a real estate powerhouse in the Miami real estate market. His online press room includes articles and kudos from The New York Times, “New York Magazine,” The Miami Herald, and numerous national real estate news outlets. He is a stark exception to the don’t-use-your-name-as-your-domain-name rule.

There are four things to consider when you choose a domain name

1. Traffic: Keywords are the ticket to traffic. Take some time to do some keyword analysis to find. What is your niche? Learn how to use the Google Keyword Tool for more insight.

2. Relevance: What is the likelihood that people searching for a particular keyword? The keyword tool will offer alternatives and additions based on the words you select. Search engine rankings that are anything less than page one on Google are worthless. The following chart shows an average percentage of click throughs to sites that are ranked on page one of Google.

3. Commerciality: The value of a keywords is tied to the value of keywords in a Google Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign.

4. Competition: Check your competition closely. If you are working in the HUD Homes market, the chances of securing a first-page ranking on Google is slim, with 360,000 ,monthly global searches and firmly established websites hold a strong lead in the search engin results pages (SERPs). “HUD Homes for Sale” offers a better chance, with about 60,000 global searches each month. If you are working in a local market you may see several hundred search engine results, but a high ranking on page one of Google SERPs will enhance your blog’s click attraction.

Here are some of the top real estate blogs in the country. Note the keywords in each domain name. Some point to market area, some focus on a niche.

ValleyOfHeartsDelight.com (A poetic, pretty name that is easy to remember also works!)

The following video is part of a multi-video series about blogging that precedes the launch of ‘No Blogger Left Behind’ with Denise Lones and Frances Flynn Thorsen. Click here for more information.

Google Answers – Do URL Shorteners Pass Anchor Text?

Google staff answer the question:

“Since Google is now using Twitter and Facebook links as ranking symbols, will custom URL shortners be looked at as providing anchor text on the links?”

For Sale: The Best Domain Name In The World?

Given that AgencyLogic is a business based in part on domain names I thought I would let you know that the ‘best’ domain name in the world is available for purchase.

sex dot com

Selecting a good domain name is integral to getting traffic to your single property Website and starting at $1,000,000 sex.com, “one of the most valuable Internet domain names”, is being auctioned today. Last purchased in 2006 for a reported $14,000,000 New Jersey based owner DOM Partners LLC “is foreclosing on the Internet property.”

While it is likely to get you more traffic that you can dream of, the quality of that traffic is questionable. Please let me know if you buy it 😉