Real Estate Podcast: The 3 Most Important Marketing Channels of 2023

As we prepare ourselves for the year ahead, one of the most important questions we can ask is, “What are the most important marketing channels of 2023?” Because now is the time when we need to cut the things that aren’t working for us, zone in on where the trends are headed, and build a plan that will guide us no matter what may happen.

Luckily, real estate marketing genius Jason Pantana has run the numbers and read the market, and on today’s Real Estate Podcast, from Tom Ferry, Jason gives us the three most important marketing channels of 2023. If you’re going to boil you marketing strategy down to only three channels in this coming year, you’d do well to choose these three.

Social Media Now – Tom Ferry Discusses The Best Tactics for Maximum Marketing Impact

Agree or disagree: Boosting your business through digital marketing has never been so easy. Tom contends it’s 100% true… that is if you give it some effort so you know what you’re doing.

In this episode of the Tom Ferry Podcast Experience, he talks with resident marketing guru and host of Marketing Edge, Jason Pantana about the tools and strategies every entrepreneur and agent needs to take their business to the next level for 2020.