Stop Trying to Dominate Social Networks (Please!)

Written By: Matthew Ferrara

Matthew Ferrara

Matthew Ferrara

Master Facebook! Take Over Twitter! Leverage LinkedIn! If your main concern is domination and rankings, you’ll never create a truly effective social networking experience.

It’s becoming ridiculous: An endless array of just-add-water-social-media-strategies promising domination of social networks. Strategies, plans and programs promise to have you swooning with power over your friends and fans. Win, score, possess, capture and command the masses. You, too, can reign supreme!

As if.

I think I’m going to quit any social network that keeps score. Long ago, I left ActiveRain, a real estate specific network, on the suspicion that many of the commenters on my posts were merely trying to pick up 25 points towards their scores. Next came Klout, seemingly innocuous at first, promising to rank your influence of others. The titles were very gentle: Curator, Mentioner, Retweeter. Influence was a clean and shiny thing, like a jewel; not the point of a spear aimed at the heart of competitors. Now I hear Klout may start ranking Google+ and even your YouTube activity. Might be important if you’re Lady Gaga or the Old Spice Guy, but for ordinary mortals, do we need to score for watching two babies talking to each other? Even EmpireAvenue has become dull. My friends and I have been reduced to “stocks” that people can “buy and sell” like equities. What should I feel if someone decides to short me?


I guess it’s only human. The desire to rank, compare, have the “most” amongst our social circles. More money, cars, awards in real life have become more fans, likes, plusses in virtual life. I’m supposed to worry that Steve has more fans than I do on Facebook; but feel better about myself because I have more than Joan? Why is my self esteem, and my ability to influence others, suddenly able to be tallied?

Did Einstein care how many people retweeted his theory of relativity?

Social networking is about human interpersonal dynamics. People interacting with people. Naturally, we’ll influence each other, the same way our parents, friends, teachers, lovers influence us in real life. And nobody keeps score on who’s influencing us the most this week: mom or our co-worker. Possible, once we start worrying about “scoring” our influence, we’ll change the entire dynamic – on and offline.

Suddenly, it won’t be about engaging people you care about, even casually, as in a business relationship. Once you’re concerned with your tally, your participation will require you to control them. To “get” them to like your post, share it, to interact dammit! so we don’t fall behind. Influence goes from being benign to being dirty.

And don’t think they don’t realize it.

One of the most important lessons marketers learn about influencing human behavior is that the customer has to feel that your message involves genuine concern for their well-being. Even more importantly, it must do so without a hidden agenda. It’s one of the main reasons they’ll listen, and hopefully refer your brand, (see Ernest Dichter, 1971). Dichter noted that most communicators – advertisers, salespeople, politicians – were too concerned with blowing their own horns (then as today) rather than putting themselves in the shoes of their listener. In fact, some customers react negatively to “top” producers in certain industries; especially if their own career has been less than stellar. It’s no different than mothers who recoil at advertisements with the overly-cute baby, sensing their own child is less so.

Therein lies the danger of seeking to dominate the social networking space, rather than have a conversation with the customer.

The better networkers understand this. I get the sense that Armani, Mandarin Oriental, Tiffany’s engage their audience without monitoring their rank against others. Southwest’s approach is jovial, friendly, lighthearted: just like their brand. It seems unlikely they’re monitoring their clout barometers in real time, either. Instead, they tell stories, ask questions, respond to comments and simply engage in conversation with their customers. Almost person to person. Then they measure influence simply: by purchases, referrals, testimonials.

After all, do we really need a ratings agency for social media?

Being unconcerned with your social network score frees up important intellectual resources for being concerned with something else: your products and services. The best example might be Apple Computer. They don’t even have a Facebook page. No icons on their home page for any of the social networks. But one would hardly call Apple anti-social. It’s customers are amongst the most vociferous promoters, loyal defenders and high spenders. There’s clearly an Apple community. It might even be argued that Apple’s social network is so smart, the company doesn’t need to manage or dominate the discussion. Apple users find their own ways to communicate with each other – and the world – without any brand controls. They’re the ultimate Word of Mouth network – all without a single status update or tweet by the brand. This leaves Apple completely focused on what it does well: study its customers and create products that consistently delight them.

Another way to think about it is this: What’s more important, volume or quality of customer interactions? Do you care that you have tons of “likes” or a smaller number of thoughtful comments? Consider that broad exposure may not be as effective in driving business as the right exposure to the right people. If we become too concerned about keeping “social score” we might easily confuse social media with advertising, rather than relationship management. (Admittedly for some people, that’s all they want, really, is just another advertising channel.)

Either way, there’s something to be said about managing one’s motivations while social networking. More frequently we’re hearing the stories of people who are disconnecting from people who post everything and anything; perhaps it’s innocent, but as the integration of ranking systems increases, it leaves you wondering. Ordinary people know when they’re talking to a robot – whether it’s a script-reading one on the phone, or a re-tweeting one in cyberspace – and they don’t like it.

I suspect that once we start treating our customers as just another point in our rankings, they’ll not like that much, either.

Westchester Realtor J. Phillip Faranda Talks About ActiveRain Success

J. Philip Faranda

J. Philip Faranda

Last week we highlighted the radio interview of Westchester Realtor and AgencyLogic client Phil Faranda. We have good news if you missed it – here is the interview in full 🙂

It’s full of useful tips and advice from someone who consistently creates the highest quality blogs posts with an honesty that is rare amongst today’s real estate commentators.

Phil is an industry veteran since 1996, is one of the top-selling broker agents for single family transaction totals in the Empire Access MLS since 2007 (ranking in the top 10 out of over 7000 members), and is the Vice President of the Empire Access (formerly Westchester-Putnam) Multiple Listing Service.

To see other ActiveRain radio interview click here. In the interim we hope you enjoy this one!

Listen to internet radio with activebob on Blog Talk Radio

Does Size Matter?

Stephen M. FellsMany men will tell you no. Polite women will concur. But is it true?

Add that ‘perception is reality’ (a concept I truly believe) can we be convinced something, anything, is bigger than it really is just because someone says it is?

These are thoughts that crossed my mind when I saw two recent posts; one related to twitter the other to ActiveRain, the real estate blogging platform.

Yesterday one of my favorite Websites, Business Insider, asked the question: “How many users does Twitter REALLY have?” The current number is around 175 million, according to the twitter ‘About’ page and it represents “registered users”. In trying to answer the question Business Insider put together this chart:

The chart uses data obtained via the twitter API that is “one month old”. They Looked at follower/following statistics to see how many users are following or are followed by a certain number of people.

The data shows:

  • There were 119 million Twitter accounts following one or more other accounts
  • There were 85 million accounts with one or more followers

Based upon this they claim that with “a little subtraction”:

  • 56 million Twitter accounts follow zero other accounts
  • 90 million Twitter accounts have zero followers

That makes the original number far less impressive. And so to ActiveRain. Last month Craig Snead, a ‘real estate investor’ from Michigan wrote a post: “It’s A Waterfall – Activerain Is Pouring In New Members.” In the post Craig points out:

“In the last twelve months, Active Rain membership has grown by 2,190 new members each month. That’s an average of 73 new members a day. Three new members every hour, 24-7. Now that [] sounds impressive.”

But is it? Please understand that I’m actually a huge fan of ActiveRain. I use their service, love its ease of use and the SEO benefits, leverage direct access to some amazingly intelligent and articulate people and really feel part of the community. If you are in real estate and want to blog there is no better starting place. But…if we think about the numbers for just a moment there are some problems.

1. The number, for twitter and ActiveRain, never seems to go down. Does that mean that once someone signs up for either service they become a dedicated and active (sorry…) lifetime client? Does no one look at twitter or ActiveRain and say “Nope, it’s just not for me!”

2. It’s no secret that hundreds of thousands of Realtors have left the industry in the last few years (See: NAR Annual Reports 2007 – 2011). So where are the new members coming from?

3. There are 8,619 ActiveRain ‘members’ in New York State. Over 5,000 of those members have under 1,000 points and 99% of those people haven’t created one blog post. That’s more than 60% of the total New York based member count. I’m sure that if I dug a little deeper, the number of people not posting a single article is a lot higher. Perhaps they just look? That’s not possible; you get 100 points for simply logging into ActiveRain so they would pass the 1,000 point mark very quickly. So how many people are actually using the platform?

A couple of years ago I asked that question during a conversation with an ex-ActiveRain employee, someone who had held a senior position at the company. Information from an ex-employee is never the best source for any business data but they told me the number of truly active ActiveRainers is a couple of thousand.

Which leads me to some questions:

Does any of this really matter?

Should we care that twitter and ActiveRain (and others) post numbers that suggest their communities are bigger than they really are?

Does size really matter?