The Art of Active Listening

You might think you’re a good listener, but common behaviors like nodding and saying “mm-hmm” can actually leave the speaker feeling unheard or dismissed. The truth is that mastering the art of listening involves a whole host of other skills as well.

In the following video, from the Harvard Business Review YouTube channel, we learn how to listen more effectively. We are asked:

How do I usually listen?

Why do I need to listen right now?

Who is the focus of attention in the conversation?

What am I missing?

Am I getting in my own way?

Am I in an information bubble?

Everyone benefits from listening, and you are about to learn where to start.

If You Want To Be Successful You Must Do This

Full disclosure: We are Simon Sinek fans.

Most people first learned about Sinek following his TED talk, How Great Leaders Inspire Action, which centers on his question “why?” If you haven’t seen the talk we strongly recommend you watch it.

In the following brief video, from last years Realty ONE Group International 2022 One Summit, Sinek talks about the importance of listening, and how it can help real estate agents create real relationships.