How to Network on Instagram (It’s More Than Just the DMs!)

LinkedIn isn’t the only way to make professional connections. Have you ever written a “professional” DM? It’s basically a message you send to someone in hopes that they’ll be willing to connect and help you with some aspect of your career. That could be landing a job, collaborating on a project, or even just giving you sound advice.

Most people use LinkedIn to make these kinds of connections, but here’s a tip: try using Instagram instead. The platform is less crowded, which means your message may actually be read. At the same time, writing the message itself will still be a challenge. Do you sound too eager? Do you sound like a spam message? Are you being annoying? When should you follow up if you don’t hear back?

In the following video, from Harvard Business Review, multimedia Producer Elainy Mata spoke with Jesty Beatz — a musician and postproduction specialist who has built his career through DMs — to learn best practices for networking on Instagram. Watch his step-by-step guide on how to network on Instagram and improve your chances of getting read and replied too too.

A Non-Techie’s 10-Minute Guide to Using GenAI

Think of services like ChatGPT as an infinitely helpful, eager-to-please intern that also happens to lie from time to time.

In the following video, from the Harvard Business Review YouTube channel, Ethan Mollick, associate professor of management at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania shares some concrete business examples to help you get started with GenAI right now.

The Art of Active Listening

You might think you’re a good listener, but common behaviors like nodding and saying “mm-hmm” can actually leave the speaker feeling unheard or dismissed. The truth is that mastering the art of listening involves a whole host of other skills as well.

In the following video, from the Harvard Business Review YouTube channel, we learn how to listen more effectively. We are asked:

How do I usually listen?

Why do I need to listen right now?

Who is the focus of attention in the conversation?

What am I missing?

Am I getting in my own way?

Am I in an information bubble?

Everyone benefits from listening, and you are about to learn where to start.